instrument cluster repair

ksternal at ksternal at
Mon Jan 22 22:29:51 EST 2007

I too have been through Audi IC Blues - (not just my '91 Avant).  I solved most with a replacement that works. The one problem not directly the fault of the IC which has been eluding me for the four + years / 70k miles since buying the car from the original owner was the CRUISE CONTROL.  Bentleys shows a  White/Blue wire that goes from the Cruise Control Module to the radio and  the IC.  It also is the "signal" for the Differential Lockout to disengage after 15-25 mph (have never even tried it till now...this is a San Diego car...and I don't take it out on the beach!).  This SOB was installed in the wrong place at the radio (original replaced by owner 1, re-installed by me after getting it fixed ---HEY this is a CLASSIC,,, and there was nothing too lacking in the original Blauplunk).  Just cutting the wire MADE THE CRUISE CONTROL WORK! Two other points related to this and maybe of assistance to other owners: 1) the Violet, Yellow and Green wires were cut during the radio replacement (and most likely with any non- OEM radio replacement) that give the IC the sound system read-out (i.e. mode, station).  Re-wiring those (after finding block pins from an VOW to put into the aftermarket plug installed  w/o the pins (locations T 10 1,2 3) fixed this problem (which intestinally is also a problem on my '97 A6 purchased with 38K miles).  2) re-lamping the IC while you have it out is a no-brainer, and this my second time the up-graded brighter bulbs (kind-of bright pink) have been a nice encounter, which I recommend.  Still not understanding why cutting the white/blue wire going to the wrong pin opposed to placing it where it supposed to be (T8 e-1) (which I have not tried) but I'm not going to mess with results --- IT WORKS!  

 om> wrote: 
> Keith,
> Could you post links to the instructions you have obtained so far?
> Also,
> Has anyone seen a case where the odo seems to 'ratchet' ahead instead of moving smoothly?   I haven't had it out, but I wonder if it is a lubrication issue.
> Thanks,
> Nathan
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Keith Franchetti <skidfranc at>
> To: 200q20v at
> Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 2:21:55 PM
> Subject: Re: instrument cluster repair
> Hey, thanks a lot for the input, Bob.  I have found instructions for a
> solder job that's supposed to take care of the bouncing needle/odo too.  So
> maybe with those two sets of instructions, I can find the right guy and get
> it done locally.  But it's nice to know you might be able to do it as a back
> up option!
> Keith
> On 1/22/07, Keith Franchetti <skidfranc at> wrote:
> >
> > I have two of these bad ICs.  One I bought to replace the bad one.  But it
> > turned out to be just as bad.  And I've wondered the same thing.  I've
> > looked at 2 or 3 pretty detailed descriptions of how to fix it myself, and
> > I've gotten hald geared up to do it, taken the thing partially apart, then
> > realized I'm in over my head.  So unless I had someone good with electronics
> > and a soldering iron right over my shouldler, I don't see myself fixing
> > these.
> >
> > Bob, what would you charge to fix one of these things?  I was lucky in
> > that getting the thing out was not hard in my case.  I just don't know how
> > to fix the damned thing.  It has the bouncing speedo/stopped odometer
> > problem.  The one I replaced it with the speedo works sometimes, but the
> > blinker arrows are on all the time and the high beam light is opposite what
> > it should be.
> >
> > Or maybe I bring the instructions on the link you sent to an audio video
> > place if I can find one here in Burlington, Vermont.
> >
> > Keith
> >
> > 91 200q20v Zirmat
> > 91 200q20v Pearl
> >
> > --
> > .......__o
> > ....... <,
> > ....( )/ ( )
> >
> -- 
> .......__o
> ....... <,
> ....( )/ ( )
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