Coolant Leak

Derek Pulvino dbpulvino at
Tue Jan 23 12:21:01 EST 2007

Looks like I've got a slow coolant leak coming from near the front of the 
engine.  The couple of culprits I can think of:

1.  Thermostat housing and/or hose that attached here.
2.  Water pump at either shaft or gasket.
3.  Small hose that runs behind rear timing belt cover to turbo.

I poked around the other day with a flashlight, and because of all of the 
"stuff" in that area, couldn't find the source...though from what I did see 
it doesn't look like the leak is coming from the thermostat area.

Can anybody think of a connection in this area I may have missed, and does 
anyone have any troubleshooting tips short of pulling parts?

Derek P

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