Coolant Leak

Rbade12 at Rbade12 at
Tue Jan 23 12:52:44 EST 2007

In a message dated 1/23/2007 11:34:56 AM Central Standard Time,  
dbpulvino at writes:

3.   Small hose that runs behind rear timing belt cover to turbo.

I poked  around the other day with a flashlight, and because of all of the 
"stuff"  in that area, couldn't find the source...though from what I did see 
it  doesn't look like the leak is coming from the thermostat area.

Can  anybody think of a connection in this area I may have missed, and does  
anyone have any troubleshooting tips short of pulling  parts?

I'd put my moey on the small hose that runs to the turbo. Mine leaked  
recently and I was able to feel it...contorted my hand and was able to get to  it. 
If that's it the PS pump has to come out to get to it. There is another hose  
lower, about 10" or so below the turbo hose, a bit bigger than the turbo hose,  
that may be the culprit. I replaced both these hoses and was able to source 
them  at NAPA [not an OE piece, but a hose of compable diameter that I cut to  

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