Wheel Repair

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Sat Jan 27 13:11:21 EST 2007

With those wheels, I don't think it's really viable to get them fixed- good
will cost far more than the wheels are worth.

Wheel collision is around $175-200 per wheel.

The guy local to me is about $140 per wheel.

Those wheels cost less than the repair, used.

If you must get them fixed, then there is a place in Newark, NJ and
a few more local to you, but I can't really help you with names- search
Audiworld, the places are mentioned all the time. People running 19"
wheels in NYC seem to have to fix them all the time- I wonder why? :-)


On 1/27/07, Eric Huppert <dragracer at netstep.net> wrote:
> I'm an hour north of NYC... Tri-state as being in the New York area. Would
> prefer another rim, but need to get this fixed  one way or the other
> soonest. Don't want to ruin a bn blizzak! Rotated the bent one to the
> rear,
> so don't notice it now, but problem is....I know it's bad!!!
> Thanks, Eric
> Gentlemen,
> Looking to get a bent rim fixed within the tri-state region... Any
> suggestions or recommendations? Can't afford to have the car down for more
> than a few days as my primary transportation.
> My recent acquisition of mille miglia A1's with bn blizzaks isn't as good
> a
> deal as i originally thought. I balanced the wheels yesterday as I was
> feeling a vibration out of the front. Sure enough, one is bent! Don't
> believe they make these anymore, so isn't like I can just replace
> easily...
> Or, anyone got a spare mille miglia a1, 16x7, et38?
> Eric
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