Oil in Intake Tube connector hose

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Sun Jul 8 08:46:25 EDT 2007

At 10:51 PM -0500 7/7/07, Thomas Mesich wrote:
>I am taking my Throttle Body out and when I removed the connector hose
>in the front that connects to the Intake Tube I found fresh oil.  Is
>this a big problem for 202K and a stock turbo?  Oil usage has been minor
>up to this point.

Sounds like you're referring to the "Michelin Man hose"--connecting 
to the outlet of the intercooler. Not sure exactly what you mean by 
"fresh" oil; however oil collected in the folds of that hose is a 
_very_ common occurance. Although it's alleged to contribute to 
eventual hose failure (also very common, so check it carefully), I'd 
say not to worry as long as oil consumption is relatively low in 
normal driving.

*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *      
*        mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net       *

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