alternator acting up 200q20v Digest, Vol 44, Issue 16

SuffolkD at SuffolkD at
Sun Jun 24 12:59:17 EDT 2007

I got 50 miles out of a battery with a stop at Walmart (1 "start" / rolling 
down driveway) AFTER I connected the "new" Walmart battery  to the car battery 
(~12 v) with jumper cables.  I had to drive ~30 miles with marker lights 
on/off, but no headlights.
After sunset, but not dark.  40 degrees.
FYI, while a deep cycle marine battery can discharge better, its rated @ 
32derees F vs car battery being lower temp & CCA..

-Scott by BOSTON

> From: PeterBergin at
> The battery won't run the car long.  Turn off everything including the  ABS. 
> When mine failed I had two big boat deep cycles on the floor with  jumper 
> cables and got about 3 hours with no charging.  You probably need a  
> Reg/Brush 
> pack.  I presume you have checked all the connections with a volt  meter to 
> check for other problems.

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