No Heat update

Mike Miller mikemilr at
Thu Mar 29 23:55:46 EDT 2007

You can pull the heater control valve and replace with a piece of pipe and see if you still don't have heat. As I recall, ( check my post from Nov last yr)  a 5 inch 3/4 galvanized nipple from Home Depot for 96¢ (.96) will work.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: RicebalLDR at 
To: 200q20v at 
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 4:25 PM
Subject: No Heat update

Thanks to all of you for your quick responses. I did some checking. I found 
vacuum and electric wires going to a valve at the back of the engine in the 
coolant line. The line is single on the pax side and two lines going to the 
heater core on the drivers side. The rod on the valve is all the way out with a 
warm engine and lines on both sides are warm i.e. going to the core. I ran some 
of the Bentley CC trouble shooting and I think I need to look at the flap motor 
part next. I was not sure where this was till I got you emails and then 
looked again at Bentley. I will try Phill's check first. I have had the problem 
before but mostly tuning system off then on seemed to reset it. Don't drive the 
car much in the winter (I know snow +Quattro = FUN but I hate the salt and 
rocks) so problem may have been there longer. I just did a clutch job after the 
throw out bearing came apart and wiped out everything so I thought the Audi Gods 
were appeased...............It will be a few more days before I can get to it 
due to work but I will let you know.................Richard

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