Window regulator

Enzeder enzeder at
Thu May 3 08:14:38 EDT 2007

I've usually had to replace the regulator.  I wanted to try a repair 
but found it beyond my abilities. IIRC, getting the cable out was the 
hard part.
I've had good luck with used regulators (haven't bought a new 
regulator yet - haven't had a used one fail yet - although I may just 
be lucky), I just disassembled and relubed it.  The hardest part has 
been getting the door trim off the door without breaking little bits 
of 17 year old brittle plastic.  Take car to remember the position of 
the spacers for the door frame.

At 01:50 PM 5/2/2007, RGuzz wrote:
>Haven't taken the panel off but the window went down (drivers side)
>then crunched, I hear the motor try to bring the window up but nothing.
>What's the latest on the  repair for this problem? Source for
>regulators? I have heard they are expensive and what is after marketed
>is crap.
>Thanks. Window is down all the way making it tough to drive.
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