rear brakes

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Fri May 4 10:26:11 EDT 2007

On May 4, 2007, at 6:16 AM, Peter Schulz wrote:

> If you have indeed turned the caliper piston in all the way, and the
> pads don't want to fit, then you may have the wrong pads
> ;-)
> Otherwise, try to turn the caliper in a bit further first.
> It's alot easier to put a hose on the caliper bleeder and open it
> slightly while turning in the piston - it will relieve the fluid
> pressure that you are pushing against, and also drain the crap that's
> collected in the caliper instead of pushing it back into the brake  
> line.
What fluid pressure? Only the 2’ head elevation difference between  
the reservoir and the caliper.
IMO any caliper, F or R, not easily retracted should be removed,  
disassembled and cleaned out.
> In my experience, especially with very well worn pads where the
> piston has extended itself pretty far from the caliper body, you make
> want to  "start" the piston by turning it counter or anti clockwise a
> bit first.
Relying on the passive wear sensors, I always run pads to that point.  
Retraction still should be easy.
> Also, you _did_ completely release the ebrake before you turned in
> the piston, right?
A reasonable idea In that it is difficult to remove a caliper with  
the ebrake engaged, but why would you think that that would make a  
diff in piston retraction?

> If you hear scraping, I would first check to see if the brake shield
> is bent and contacting the brake rotor....
> -Peter (aka Mr Avant)
> (One 200 Avant gone, 1 to go...)
> At 08:20 PM 5/3/2007 -0700, PyRo wrote:
>> do you have to do anything with the ebrake when
>> changing the rear brakes? just curious cause the
>> piston was a pita to push in (im gonna pick up a new
>> one) i think i got it all the way in but it still
>> didnt want to  fit on over the new pads i got. i got
>> the pads from it possible for them to have
>> given me a thicker pad then i actually need or does
>> the piston go in further than i think.(its pretty much
>> level with the rubber boot). and when i release my
>> ebrake it sounds like metal rubbing against my rotors?
>> any ideas. frustration + gasoline = a burned car. thanks
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> -Peter Schulz
> Chelmsford Ma, USA
> 1995.5 S6 Avant Emerald/Ecru
> 1995.5 S6 Avant Silver/Platinum
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