[V8] Theoretical question

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Sat May 5 12:01:14 EDT 2007

Roger M. Woodbury wrote:
> Ok, ok, ok, ok.  Suppose you were in a quandary about your faithful but
> extremely well worn Audi 200 20-valve Avant Quattro.  ...
> The question is:  how many miles is simply too many.  

You're asking the wrong guy. I just bought a '91 200 20V TQ Avant with over
200K miles on it. Mechanically it needs a lot of work. So I did the prudent
thing...  I found another one, also with over 200K miles on it, but in much
better shape, and bought it.  I'm *starting* with more miles than Black
Mariah has on it.

"They" say that well-cared I-5 engines are good for 300K miles.  And I'd
guess that by then, you'll be asking if you should keep the car and re-build
the engine, with some minor improvements to it.

But that's just my 2 cents. :)

Kent McLean
'91 200 TQA #1, black w/gray, for sale so you can name it
'91 200 TQA #2, indigo mica w/gray, no name yet ("Do Over"?)
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy", up in smoke

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