Looking for a 200 TQ/5000cs trans

alan cordeiro alancordeiro at comcast.net
Sun May 6 09:13:09 EDT 2007


It  "MAY" be possible to swap out only the Torsen differential
section and replace it with a good used one. and it may also
be possible to do tis without removing the whole transmission.

I have not done this myself...but perhaps others may have
BTDT in this area.

If you swap out that part from a 5k tranny, it may work, however
a whole tranny swap may get you into trouble if the final drive ratio
on the 5k tranny ( front wheel diff ratio) does not match the rear
diff on the 200q20V


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eric Huppert" <ehuppert at hvc.rr.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>; "200q20v" <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2007 3:05 PM
Subject: Looking for a 200 TQ/5000cs trans

> Gents,
> To make a long story short...
> Son blew up the center diff in his car. Case disintegrated and spewed gear
> oil... Big chunks of aluminum!
> So, looking for a trans, something very inexpensive! 5000 turbo will work,
> can just remove the actuator assy and lock it in the disengaged mode. Or,
> obviously, a 200 TQ trans..
> He's looking for something very cheap, so parts yards, etc are out! Been
> looking for a parts car, as I could use some little stuff for the 20v, but
> as usual, can't find stuff when you need it!
> Located two hours north of NYC, so anywhere fairly close in NY, northern 
> NJ,
> Western mass, conn, etc...
> Cheers, Eric
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