brake booster

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Mon May 14 10:45:55 EDT 2007

I have a leaking brake booster on the missus' 200.
it is the early style cast iron affair.
a replacement is something like 500CAD which seems a big amount of cash
at the moment........

I also have a buddy with a garage who installs 20v engines in coupé
quattros using vacuum brake servos.

Anyone have any experience with either:
1. rebuilding hydraulic brake boosters in T44s regarding parts and
technique ?BTW they are not the same as UR-Q (having been inside one of

2. the later S6 style aluminium (NOT ALUMINUM) booster....are they any
better/ less prone to leaks? - so is it easier to buy a good used one?

3. fitting vac servos (what parts) to t44s


VP Exploration
Tel:  +1 514 878 9333
Cell: +1 514 690 4747
SKYPE: geraint_lloyd

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