advice in breaking apart the front outer CV joint

alancordeiro at alancordeiro at
Mon Sep 10 06:58:12 EDT 2007

Thanks Bernie,

In regards to getting the square (cross-sectioned) circlip stuck, no it is 
To make sure I occasionally tapped the joint free to spread,
but real hard to keep open...there is no real set of holes to put
the circlip pliers into. Its just the joint will not budge while the clip is 

Another problem is that the inboard end of the shaft is still attached to 
the car.
I suspect I need to locate the misplaced triple square and remove the whole 
and that might make it easier to work on.

But its good to get a confirmation that the 16mm bolt can indeed be used as 
a pusher.
These are days when I wish I had a good solid workbench and a high quality 
bench vice.
Perhaps removing the whole shaft from the car, and setting up a vice 
arrangement with
multiple c-clamps and some wood in the garage may the best next step.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bernie Benz" <b.benz at>
To: <alancordeiro at>
Cc: "200q20V mailing list" <200q20v at>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 12:51 AM
Subject: Re: advice in breaking apart the front outer CV joint


I did both of my front outers several years ago now. These square
wire circlips are a real PITA compared to the round wire clips that
are just forced into the shaft groove and off.

Using the axle bolt as a pusher, clamp a vice grip on the shaft
spline to use in offseting the bolt torque. Sounds like you may have
the square wire section of the circlip pinched between its shaft
groove and the CV housing from your beating it with hammer. Drive the
CV back on the shaft a little to where the clip is free to spin. Now,
holding the clip wide open, you should be able to screw in the axle
bolt and force the joint to move outward. After it moves a 1/16” you
no longer need to hold the clip open as it will be up, out of its
groove. When you run out of bolt length, add a short length of rod
under the bolt  to force the joint all the way off.


On Sep 9, 2007, at 1:53 PM, <alancordeiro at> wrote:

> I have spent close to an hour and a half trying to break open the  front 
> outer CV joint
> so I can replace the rubber boot. Of all the boots, the two front  outer 
> seem closest to failure.
> The old I have spread the  circlip as far as it goes, but the joint  will 
> not off in spite of reasonably hard
> whacks with both a rubber mallet, even a good old fashioned steel  head 
> hammer.
> I tried inserting in the big 16mm bolt, it appeared to press on the 
> outside of the "inner" shaft,
> but tightening it while spreading the circlip, and even with a few 
> friendly whacks will not
> break open the joint.
> Any BTDT? I have two joints off, ready to replace the boots, but ay  just 
> call it quits and
> put them both back and get in a used one to practice on while the  car 
> runs on old boots.
> While I wait for advice...... doe anyone in the Detroit metro area  have a 
> good/bad used front CV shaft
> lying around?
> Alan
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