Oil filters

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Tue Apr 1 08:06:55 PDT 2008

A plugged internal bypass valve and/ or filter media would not cause  
system over pressure. Only cause could be an inoperative over  
pressure relief valve in the oil pump system. Sure, the filter can’s  
crimp to its header could be defective on any brand filter, but is  
designed to withstand at least 5X the 75psi max over pressure relief  
valve setting.


On Apr 1, 2008, at 7:44 AM, PeterBergin at aol.com wrote:

> No Rapid oil took apart the filter and tried to go after F--am for  
> the warrantee.  It was a long mess, they said the filter media was  
> full of manufacturing debris and did not flow and some internal  
> valve was plugged.
> Pete
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