alternator belt

chris gregg loxxrider at
Fri Aug 22 09:23:02 PDT 2008

Thank you guys so much for the quick advice for the alternator belt installation, etc. 

I am on my way to my local (and my only trusted) mech to see if he has a proper belt, or if he knows where I can get one today. I need to do it today because I need the car to take all my stuff to school tomorrow : /

Anyhow, I assume any belt with the proper dimensions will work as a temporary fix, but I'll order good ones ASAP. I definitely hope the cause wasn't the AC comp failing, because in Florida, that is just something that can't be overlooked! The car blew beautiful, cold air up until last night :)

Thank you all so much again, this is an AMAZING source of information for this car!



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