do you need bump stops for knois?

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Mon Aug 25 14:11:59 PDT 2008

The fluid between the strut insert and the strut housing is there for  
conductive cooling of the insert. It should be there and has no  
effect on winter damping. Antifreeze being the usual fluid.


On Aug 25, 2008, at 1:12 PM, Nathan Winters wrote:

> Somewhat related:
> I'm replacing Bilsteins with Konis and dealing with this bump-stop  
> issue as well.  I don't have the original Strut-Nut/Threaded Cap  
> (431 412 047 B) that holds the strut insert in the housing.  Can I  
> use the old Bilstein nut on top of the Konis?  Does it serve the  
> same function but just requires a different tool (I'm convinced  
> only a 24" pipe wrench and torch would have done it) to install /  
> remove?  The Bilstein does seem to be a substantial part and I've  
> never seen an OEM cap.
> Also:  I've only seen it referenced in the V8 thread, but the  
> struts are the same as far as this goes.  When I removed my struts  
> and turned them over a considerable amount of water (a few ounces)  
> poured out (explains the extreemly rough ride in winter).  Would it  
> make sense to put a weep-hole in the bottom of the strut housing  
> tube to drain out water?  I certainly don't want to have a problem  
> in the future with freezing again.  Does everyone run with nice  
> untorn boots and does that do enough to keep out water?
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: "patrick.anderson1 at" <patrick.anderson1 at>
> To: Bernie Benz <b.benz at>; centaurus3200 at
> Cc: 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 7:17:21 PM
> Subject: Re: do you need bump stops for knois?
> The Bilsteins don't need external bump stops because they're built  
> internal. Konis do require them as Bernie said.
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: Bernie Benz <b.benz at>
>> As I recall, Konis come with bump stops.
>> Bernie
>> On Aug 13, 2008, at 11:11 AM, robert weinberg wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>> i did order the kyb bump stop/bellow hit. cheap enough. but my
>>> friend said you might not even need the bump stops for konis. he
>>> said you don't need the for bilsteins.
>>> is this true? the only reason i say is that if i don't need them,
>>> my friend can continue with the koni install rather than wait for
>>> the parts to arrive. the car is just sitting on the lift waiting
>>> for the parts to finish installing the front struts.
>>> thanks,
>>> Robby
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