200tq20v Calipers

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Sat Feb 9 13:40:02 PST 2008

Overhaul is no different than any other front caliper, a dirty but  
straight forward job. Best to do all four followed by full fluid  

With caliper removed from the car, and a piece of wood across the  
caliper fingers to stop the piston from flying across the room, blow  
out the piston with compressed air. If you wish to guild the lily by  
painting the caliper, sand blast it and the pad retaining bracket  
before blowing the piston. The sand will not harm the rubber boot parts.

Strip and wash the parts. I use mineral spirits, paint thinner.  
Alcohol works also. The piston OD is chrome plated, be careful not to  
harm it. Wet polish the chrome with 600 grit paper in the solvent.  
Pull and wash the piston seal and boot in the solvent, Clean the  
sides of the seal groove well. Clean and relube the guide pins. I use  
Si oil as an assembly lube, but brake fluid is about as good. The  
piston of a thus overhauled caliper can be pushed into its bore with  
light finger pressure. Absolutely no need for new rubber parts, if  
not torn. If you thereafter biennially flush the fluid, the calipers  
never need be overhauled again.


On Feb 9, 2008, at 12:08 PM, michael wrote:

> Ok, I'm game. Where do I find the rebuild process, starting with  
> stuck pistons?
> On Feb 9, 2008, at 2:04 PM, Bernie Benz wrote:
>> Why do you need them? Rebuild yours. No new parts needed if boots  
>> are good.
>> Bernie
>> 225K on original calipers and rotors.
>> On Feb 9, 2008, at 11:47 AM, michael wrote:
>>> Does anyone know of a source for the UFO calipers?  Audi says they
>>> are out of stock.  I checked with the largest dealer in Germany and
>>> they say 'no more'.
>>> Where does one get caliper rebuild kits for these?
>>> 217,000 miles and humming
>>> - Michael
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