Curious about HP possibilities

Ingo Rautenberg ingo.rautenberg at
Wed Jan 2 12:25:54 PST 2008

Oh, Boy!  If you make it out to Steamboat Springs in february you can  
see der LT1Q there with Peter Golledge at the wheel.  It is not a  
simple bolt-on conversion, let me assure you.  You'll need a flywheel  
adapter plate plus a few other things from Kennedy Engineering,  
Custom fabrication needed to allow for proper cradling of the  
engine.  Then you'll need the corresponding wiring harness and ECU.   
Proper alignment and rear throwout bearing at the flywheel is a must  
(we went through 3 trannies during our trip to and from the Monterey  
Historics (Audi was the featured marque) in 1999.  Man, that beast  
was/is a blast :-D  Went through a few engines, too, before  
everything got sorted out.  Stay away from OptiSpark. See why: http://


On Jan 2, 2008, at 3:00 PM, 200q20v-request at wrote:

> From: "Richard Harris" <rnharris at>
> Date: January 2, 2008 1:15:05 PM GMT-05:00
> To: <200q20v at>, <s-car-list at>
> Subject: Curious about HP possibilities
> Call me wacky, but I'm curious about dropping a small block Chevy  
> engine
> into a 200 or UrS? Why? Well, I've been researching HP upgrade  
> options for
> my 200. While there are a few high HP(450+) 3Bs in Europe,  
> according to most
> of people I've corresponded with, the distributor ignition on the  
> 3B limits
> my possibilities. To make 450hp on a 3B, one needs to install an AAN
> harness(wiring nightmare?), ECU and coils or go standalone($$$).  With
> either of the aforementioned choices, the minimum hardware needed  
> is a rods,
> turbo and manifold($3500).  The Jegs catalog, has a  
> variety of
> warranted, new $4000.00 dollar engines. Heck, I'm sure one of my  
> hillbilly
> buddies could find me a good condition used 350 for much less.
> ANy BTDT SB Chevy swaps?
> Richard

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