Curious about HP possibilities

Chuck Pierce cpcycle at
Wed Jan 2 18:28:15 PST 2008

Wander over to there resides a number of AUDI fanatics wiht lots of horsepower. THe guys at can give guidance about building more horsepower.
Chuck Pierce
91 20v Avant

-----Original Message-----
>From: Richard Harris <rnharris at>
>Sent: Jan 2, 2008 10:15 AM
>To: 200q20v at, s-car-list at
>Subject: Curious about HP possibilities
>Call me wacky, but I'm curious about dropping a small block Chevy engine
>into a 200 or UrS? Why? Well, I've been researching HP upgrade options for
>my 200. While there are a few high HP(450+) 3Bs in Europe, according to most
>of people I've corresponded with, the distributor ignition on the 3B limits
>my possibilities. To make 450hp on a 3B, one needs to install an AAN
>harness(wiring nightmare?), ECU and coils or go standalone($$$).  With
>either of the aforementioned choices, the minimum hardware needed is a rods,
>turbo and manifold($3500).  The Jegs catalog, has a variety of
>warranted, new $4000.00 dollar engines. Heck, I'm sure one of my hillbilly
>buddies could find me a good condition used 350 for much less.
>ANy BTDT SB Chevy swaps?
>200q20v mailing list

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