sloppy shifter - turn bose stereo
robert weinberg
centaurus3200 at
Mon Jul 7 06:29:32 PDT 2008
thanks for all the info,
i think i'm playing hookie today from work to take care of the audi. sssshhhh ;-)
i'll see if audi of oakland can deal with the recall today. i also need an oil change and have them check the tranny and differential fluids. plus i need to go to the dmv to register the car. i doubt they'll have the parts available to do the recall on the spot - which begs the question - the amps are only time bombs with power going to them, correct? can they just disconnect the amps for now?
the car has made it 17y ears without going up in flames, but i'd rather not test my luck. not even so much for the car's sake, but for our apartment building's sake - we have 4 tenants.
--- On Mon, 7/7/08, Kneale Brownson <knealeski at> wrote:
> From: Kneale Brownson <knealeski at>
> Subject: Re: sloppy shifter - turn bose stereo
> To: centaurus3200 at, QuikQtr at
> Cc: "200q20V mailing list" <200q20v at>
> Date: Monday, July 7, 2008, 5:27 AM
> Actually, the recall started quite a few years after
> production. Audi notified us about three years ago to
> bring in our 200q20v for the speaker recall. We'd
> owned the car since 1996. They also notified us to bring
> in our V8#1 a year ago to bring it in for the airbag module
> recall. We'd owned that car since 2000.
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