favorite - strut/shock/spring combo?

jake falk nullassult at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 18:19:43 PDT 2008

I have H&Rs and Bilstein Sports.  Fresh bushings all around.  Looks great
and corners pretty good, mostly flat.  I'd like a rear sway bar to finish
out the mix.

I'd stay away from a larger front swaybar unless you like to plow.

I have not experienced other springs on the 200 (well other than stock).
Its softer than my urq, 4kq, and e28 m5 with H&R/Bilstien combo.  WAY softer
than the neuspeed race on various veedubs and hondas.

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 9:06 PM, robert weinberg <centaurus3200 at yahoo.com>

> okay - as far as stock springs for the 200q20v.
> which would be the biggest upgrade over the stock 200q20v springs:
> 1. audi V8 springs
> 2. URS4 springs?
> how much of an upgrade are we talking? if the stock 200q20v springs are the
> baseline (1 rating) and H&R springs are the most performannce oriented (10
> rating).
> where do the above springs place?
> thanks,
> Robby
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Jake Falk

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