need tie rods
robert weinberg
centaurus3200 at
Sat Jul 12 00:21:36 PDT 2008
thanks for the info Bernie,
they didn't charge for the alignment, but now i'm hearing a subtle clunking when i go over bumps - i wonder if the moron screwed up the inner tie rods by yanking on them for the alignment. please teach me, what are the adjustments for aligning the front of the car. since no inner tie rod adjustment, i'm assuming you can adjust the outer tie rods and what else?
my friend/mechanic does DIY alignments - i'll just have him align the front of the car when he installs the konis and MAYBE the H&R springs - i'm definitely having second thoughts from your posts. might just put the konis in the stock springs and sell the H&Rs.
My Taurus SHO was pretty straight forward to align. it even had adjustable camber plates straight from the factory.
i'm starting to learn very quickly that an audi is not a ford and most mechanics will bugger the car up.
--- On Fri, 7/11/08, Bernie Benz <b.benz at> wrote:
> From: Bernie Benz <b.benz at>
> Subject: Re: need tie rods
> To: centaurus3200 at
> Cc: "200q20V mailing list" <200q20v at>
> Date: Friday, July 11, 2008, 9:36 PM
> On Jul 11, 2008, at 6:17 PM, robert weinberg wrote:
> > just got the car back from getting tires. i expected
> something to
> > come up. you guys are right though - this thing will
> cost a pretty
> > penny before it's in fine running condition. who
> knows what else
> > awaits me. probably should have bought a cleaner
> example, but
> > what's done is done.
> Pretty cheap ownership IMO, my car has never seen a for
> hire wrench.
> >
> > the guy said he couldn't align the front as the
> inner tie rods were
> > frozen - can't adjust them.
> Find a new alignment wrench, or DIY. There is no inner tie
> rod
> adjustment.
> Bernie
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