rates for multiple car policies

Kneale Brownson knealeski at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jul 15 10:19:05 PDT 2008

Hagerty will insure a wide variety of vehicles,  including modern classics,  as well as special tools and other automobilia.  The range is covered at  http://www.hagerty.com/Auto/vehicle_insure.aspx

Tom Egbert <tomegbert1323 at yahoo.com> wrote:
Hagerty will not insure a classic car cheaply if you drive to work.


I think that a '91 Audi is not old enough to be considered a "classic".
don't know what the cut-off is, or what other criteria they use to
it. I had an '89 Volvo 780 Bertone Coupe with a 5.0 V8 & T-5 swap
which I 
drove as a weekend (not daily use) car, and could not find a company
would recognize it as a specialty car. I had to insure it as if it
were a 
stock '89 Volvo. Now I have a '76 Lancia Scorpion which *is*
considered a 
classic, insurance for it is ~$120/year through Hagerty.

Andy Schor
'91 Avant 295K miles

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