Exhaust opinions

Kneale Brownson knealeski at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jul 19 18:36:16 PDT 2008

Drones at highway speeds.  Barks just a bit under acceleration.  

robert weinberg <centaurus3200 at yahoo.com> wrote:  interesting. how does the uncorked 3B sound? cool or like a can of bees? buzzzz....


--- On Sat, 7/19/08, Kneale Brownson wrote:

> From: Kneale Brownson 
> Subject: Re: Exhaust opinions
> To: centaurus3200 at yahoo.com, "200q20V mailing list" <200q20v at audifans.com>
> Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 1:27 PM
> If you replace the center muffler with a set of straight
> pipes, you get a louder system.
> robert weinberg wrote: hi
> all,
> i'm not quite there yet (still have other more
> important things to get for the car), but it's just so
> damn quiet ;-)
> from my research, the stock intake, downpipe and catback is
> not really a restriction unless i'm gonna run 400HP with
> a larger turbo. maybe at some point, but not quite there yet
> ;-)
> anyway, i know steebro is quite popular with the 200q20v,
> but i don't think the stock catback is that much of a
> restriction, eh? so, what about just a sexier sounding
> muffler than a whole steebro catback?
> my brother used to have a leistritz muff on his 16V
> scirocco and it sounded real sweet. isn't the stock
> downpipe/catbakck and exhaust on our cars leistritz anyway?
> but it doesn't sound like Leistritz still makes their
> Sport Sound muffler line?
> anyway, of course i'm just looking for a nice sound -
> mufflers aren't the first (or really even the last)
> place to look for more HP.
> thanks,
> Robby
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