PS Hose from rack to pump (Round 2)
pyro_10314 at
Sat Jun 28 15:49:41 PDT 2008
when i had the hose off, i ran my fingers around the opening and didnt feel nothing unusual. i can even see the hole with a flashlight and it doesnt look like anything is there.
--- On Sat, 6/28/08, Kneale Brownson <knealeski at> wrote:
> From: Kneale Brownson <knealeski at>
> Subject: Re: PS Hose from rack to pump (Round 2)
> To: pyro_10314 at, 200q20v at
> Date: Saturday, June 28, 2008, 6:25 PM
> Are you sure there isn't part of an old seal stuck on
> the rack? I can't imagine you overtorquing the banjo
> bolt enough to distort the landing upon which the seal
> sits.
> PyRo <pyro_10314 at> wrote: After removing
> the hose for the third time today, i inspected both rubber
> o-rings to make sure that they were intact, which they
> were. I did notice however that on the rack, where the
> banjo bolt threads in, it appears a little warped. I dont
> know if its my eyes, but considering the amount of fluid
> that im losing, i believe that it is.Has anybody ever heard
> of this before? Is the rack made out of aluminum? Could this
> have happened during installation? the fluid wasnt leaking
> like this with the old hose in. Im really out of ideas and
> its looking like the rack is going to have to come out for
> a closer look.
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