handbrake question
Geraint Lloyd
geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Sun Mar 2 16:59:32 PST 2008
Some of you will know that I have a thing abouthandbrakes and at least one of you is becoming converted to my deep-rooted beliefsystem.
But being as I’m still getting the hang of thistorsen Quattro thing, I have a quick question:
To set the scene:
1. Audi 1989 200 TQA (only a 10v, but for this questionit might also be a 20v)
2. Approach hairpin bend (or retail park lamppost atnight when no-one is looking) at say 35mph with rear diff locked in 2nd
3. Apply brakes and lock in an approximation of whatpeople say you have to do to initiate a pendulum turn.
4. Decide that the arse end is not swinging out enoughand grab a fistful of handbrake whilst stamping on the accelerator
What SHOULD happen next?
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