Power steering pump noise, no leaks

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Fri May 16 09:57:24 PDT 2008

Take it back to Anderson, ask them what they did, or didn’t do. Could  
also be a oil starved pump.
Clean the intake screen in the reservoir.


On May 16, 2008, at 9:45 AM, Matt Bolles wrote:

> I just discovered today that my PS pump is making an awful racket,  
> but there are no leaks anywhere.  I did have the pump rebuilt by  
> very experienced shop(Anderson Motorsport) at the same time that I  
> replaced virtually every hose, as well as the bomb, which was about  
> 40k ago, car now has 212k+.  Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Matt

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