Colorado Service

kneale at kneale at
Wed Nov 5 07:56:59 PST 2008

Thanks, Brett.  I've replaced a pump or two over the years, but I can't
remember whether it was from above or below and what access is like. 
Eurolights and a relocated positive jump post would make from above
impossible, I believe, and I don't really have clothing for rolling around
on the snowy ground or a set of ramps to get to it from below.

> On Nov 4, 2008, at 12:50 AM, kneale at wrote:
>> I'm spending the winter in Summit County, Colorado.  Anyone know of a
>> local Audi service place that's reliable?  I discovered on the trip
>> here
>> that the windshield washer pump on my 200q20v that worked fine last
>> week
>> won't anymore.
> Assuming you've verified power+ground and no clogged/broken lines- the
> pump pulls straight up+out of the bottle.  No tools or mechanic
> required...maybe just a little penetrating oil to loosen up the grip
> the rubber seal has on the pump.
> Brett

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