where to get metal crankcase vent hose?

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Thu Nov 6 06:58:28 PST 2008

I’ve been running a DIY cc breather system for 8 or 10 years now.  
Fabbed from pieces of rad hose from my scrap box, Si caulked  
together. Using ells, straight sections one inside the other, as  
required to get the cross section reduction and finely connecting to  
the original T section behind the head. No problems.


On Nov 5, 2008, at 10:44 AM, robert weinberg wrote:

> hi all,
> mine is shot - i heard you can get a metal one but can't find it  
> online. i think it's also called the crankcase breather hose.
> thanks,
> Robby

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