UrS and 200 ball joint failures

jlagnese at massed.net jlagnese at massed.net
Thu Nov 13 12:15:49 PST 2008

Backing up as well? I also have this. Also
undiagnosed as yet. 91 200 TQ 20V with 135K.

---- Original message ----

  Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 13:50:16 -0600
  From: michael <mdearing at mhtc.net>
  Subject: Re: UrS and 200 ball joint failures
  To: 200q20v at audifans.com
  >I have had a mysterious clunk in the front end
  for many miles(since
  >150k, now 230k). Alignment specialists have not
  been able to figure
  >it out. A good indy with lots of 5000/100/200/S
  experience has not
  >been able to figure it out. It now happens more
  often. Happens only
  >when turning at very low speed (out of a parking
  space for instance)
  >and mostly when just starting out (less than 5
  >Any clues as to what to have checked that may
  have been missed?
  >- michael
  >On Aug 12, 2008, at 2:00 PM,
  200q20v-request at audifans.com wrote:
  >> Message: 3
  >> Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 12:41:09 -0400
  >> From: "mike claire" <mike.claire at gmail.com>
  >> Subject: Re: [s-cars] UrS and 200 ball joint
  >> To: "Peter Schulz" <pcschulz at comcast.net>
  >> Cc: 200 20v List <200q20v at audifans.com>,
  >> <s-car-list at audifans.com>, Fred Munro
  <munrof at sympatico.ca>
  >> Message-ID:
  <d219f42d0808120941m636c26edl2d8f895aa6ef2458 at mail.gmail.com>
  >> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
  >> Good deal, that answers it for me. No clunks
  and tight front-end =
  >> don't
  >> worry about it. I'll have somebody I trust give
  the pinch bolts a
  >> good look
  >> the next time it's in.
  >> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 9:55 AM, Peter Schulz
  >> <pcschulz at comcast.net> wrote:
  >>> I second what Fred said about the pinch
  bolts..happened to my wife
  >>> in our
  >>> green S6 and luckily it was in a parking lot.
  >>> If you purchase your car used, and have a
  mysterious clunk in the
  >>> front end
  >>> that you can't resolve despite checking
  everything and replacing
  >>> most wear
  >>> items save the control arms, don't just check
  the torque on the pinch
  >>> bolt...remove it and make sure its not a: the
  wrong type of bolt,
  >>> hardness
  >>> unknown, b: cross threaded, so you "think"
  it's tight...
  >200q20v mailing list

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