NAAC Social Dinner, Thurs 20. Nov at Red Hook Brewery in Portsmouth NH

Peter Schulz pcschulz at
Fri Nov 14 07:00:45 PST 2008

For Audi fans in the NH/MA/ME area, come join the 
North Atlantic Audi Club (NAAC) for a social 
dinner at the Red Hook Brewery/Cataqua Public 
House in Portsmouth, NH on Thursday 20 November, from 6:45 to 8:45 PM.

Come meet fellow Audi owners and enjoy food, drink, and conversation.

35 Corporate Dr
Portsmouth, NH 03801
603-430-8600 for more info about the restaurant.

Please email dinners at if you plan to attend.

Other upcoming NAAC events:

Special NAAC Meeting: A meeting of the NAAC BoD 
will be held this Saturday Nov 15th starting at 
10AM. The general purpose of the meeting is to 
brain storm the path the club will be taking in 
2009.  To do this we will be reviewing what we 
did well, and not  so well in 2008.
We NEED your input.

Attendance is welcome to all members. Meeting will be held at:
7 Appleleaf Drive
Bedford NH  03102
(603) 471-9168
Lunch will be provided, so send  an  RSVP email 
to info at ASAP if you are attending.

Winter Prep Clinic : Next Tuesday 18 November at 
6:30 PM join NAAC at Audi Burlington.
We’ll have booths set up explaining different 
aspects of maintaining a car in winter­ important 
things that you need to consider NOW to be 
prepared: snow tires, condition of your 
windshield, antifreeze, battery, etc­as well as 
information about our upcoming winter driving 
schools and other events. Come enjoy food & 
drink, and socialize with fellow Audi owners. 
This event is open to the public; you do not have 
to be a club member to attend.

Upcoming Winter Driving Schools info - NAAC will 
shortly announce its Winter 2009 winter driving school schedule.
Please check for updates.

-Peter Schulz
Chelmsford Ma, USA

1995.5 S6 Avant Emerald/Ecru
1995.5 S6 Avant Silver/Platinum
1991 90 20v Q Red
1991 CQ silver  (eS2 recipient) 

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