Stongard source?

martinkuetzing at martinkuetzing at
Wed Nov 19 16:33:47 PST 2008

I bought mine (for Eurolights) through Griot's Garage.  But when they showed up from Griot's, the shields had cutouts for the headlight aiming tabs on US lights (which are un-needed for Euros).  But the box said Armorauto on it. So when I contacted Armorauto about the correct part number, the owner told me to make a template & send it to him, which I did.   Supposedly, Armorauto now has the pattern "on file" for 200 Eurolights.  But, I notice that their website doesn't explicitly list a separate number.  You may have to contact Armorauto, get the correct number & then call Griot to verbally order the correct one.  I recall the set of two was about $50 earlier this year.

-------------- Original message from "Kenneth Keith" <auditude at>: -------------- 

> 200q20v'ers, 
> I am trying to purchase Stongard for some 200q20v eurolights as well as RS2 
> lights, but the Stongard website won't list dealers and I haven't had a 
> response from the contact form or email sent. There was a local dealer here 
> a few years back, but he doesn't sell it anymore. Perhaps Stongard isn't 
> doing so well lately. 
> Does anyone know of a source for Stongard or another brand of headlight 
> protection film? 
> Thanks, 
> Kenneth 
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