Bose with aftermarket head unit, using factory amps?

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Thu Nov 20 06:57:08 PST 2008

On Nov 19, 2008, at 9:14 PM, Kenneth Keith wrote:
> Anyone interested in some brand new Bose speakers in case I convert  
> to a
> regular setup?  The head unit apparently has some preset buttons  
> that are
> stuck down and they said they couldn't enter the security code that  
> was
> activated when I bought the car with a dead battery.  If I can't  
> fix that or
> put in another free one, I'll put in an aftermarket head unit which  
> I don't
> think I can use with the amplified Bose speakers (right?).
You can drive the Bose speakers with an aftermarket head unit, BTDT.  
The easiest head unit to install is Blaupunkt, inasmuch as the  
connectors are plug and play with the Audi harness, just two pins to  
move in the power connector. With a little rewiring at the Bose amps  
you can use the Audi harness wiring to the speakers.

> I thought I would give the stock Bose system a try since I haven't  
> had a
> working setup before, and I think the station frequency display in the
> instrument cluster (which I have to pull to repair an apparent ground
> problem, btw) is pretty cool.  My last 200q20v got totalled before  
> I could
> respond to the Bose recall postcard, so I never found out what  
> that's like
> (since it had aftermarket speakers in it when I got it).
> Cheers,
> Kenneth
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