Stongard source?

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Thu Nov 20 13:03:25 PST 2008

I must have the earlier Stongard Euro pattern as there is quite an  
exposed unprotected edge.
I raised a fuss about this at the time with no satisfaction. After 8  
or 10 years the material is yellowing.


On Nov 20, 2008, at 9:15 AM, Kenneth Keith wrote:

> The eurolights I have for my other 200q20v have the correct  
> Stongard on them
> without the DOT dot holes, which I installed, and there wasn't much  
> of an
> unprotected edge to it.  If so, that would have bothered me at the  
> time and
> I would have made a bit deal about it. =)  So, I must have gotten a  
> later
> set, after perhaps your feedback, Phil.
> Kenneth
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 8:22 AM, Phil and Judy Rose
> <pjrose at>wrote:
>> At 10:07 PM -0700 11/19/08, Kenneth Keith wrote:
>>> I believe the stuff to do the headlights, like the precut  
>>> Stongard I have
>>> on
>>> my other eurolights, is much thicker than the stuff they use for  
>>> hoods.
>>> I'll check it out though.  Thanks for the heads ups.
>> Yes, much, much thicker. The thinner stuff would likely reduce the  
>> extent
>> of lens pitting, but not help much in regard to breakage (large  
>> stones,
>> etc.)
>> There's been much discussion about the fact that for the '91 200  
>> euro lens
>> the Stongard design is/was inadequate to cover the entire lens  
>> surface--they
>> leave the perimeter (approx. 3/8 inch wide) vulnerable to  
>> breakage. This
>> fact has been brought to their attention, but I'm not aware if  
>> they've ever
>> acted on the information (or if they even cared). Fortunately my  
>> euro lenses
>> have survived for 50+ kmiles-- without damage (knock on Zebrano)-- 
>> under
>> Stongard protection.
>> Phil
>> --
>> *********************************
>> *  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *      *        mailto:
>> pjrose at       *
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