Bose with aftermarket head unit, using factory amps?

Ben Swann benswann at
Thu Nov 20 20:30:05 PST 2008

The Bose systems can only be wired to a head unit that uses common speaker ground - some
do and many newer don't as they have independent amplifier circuits for each of the
speakers.  If you can find a unit that shares the ground for all the speakers then it
would be relatively easy.

 I just installed a stereo in a V8 Quattro with a Clarion that had indepaendent amps per
channel and flating ground and had to completely rewired everything.  None of the Bose
stuff was retained, although those speakers can be rewired directly to the speaker and
remove or bypass the amplifiers.  This is fine if you don't mind removing the speakers
from the door and redoing them and removing the ones in the trunk.  Still you need to
run the wires to them - that is the major PITA.

Why on earth Audi let this type of wiring go into their cars is beyond me. It really
turns aftermarket stereo installation into a nightmare.  You cam't even readily break
out the power wires for reuse as speker wires since they are relay control wires -
overengineered to obsolete.


[Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 06:57:08 -0800
From: Bernie Benz <b.benz at>
Subject: Re: Bose with aftermarket head unit, using factory amps?
To: "Kenneth Keith" <auditude at>
Cc: 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at>
Message-ID: <A56FB50B-23BF-4172-A6A9-A32ED20057CF at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed

On Nov 19, 2008, at 9:14 PM, Kenneth Keith wrote:
> Anyone interested in some brand new Bose speakers in case I convert to 
> a regular setup?  The head unit apparently has some preset buttons 
> that are stuck down and they said they couldn't enter the security 
> code that was activated when I bought the car with a dead battery.  If 
> I can't fix that or put in another free one, I'll put in an 
> aftermarket head unit which I don't think I can use with the amplified 
> Bose speakers (right?).
You can drive the Bose speakers with an aftermarket head unit, BTDT.  
The easiest head unit to install is Blaupunkt, inasmuch as the connectors are plug and
play with the Audi harness, just two pins to move in the power connector. With a little
rewiring at the Bose amps you can use the Audi harness wiring to the speakers.

> I thought I would give the stock Bose system a try since I haven't had 
> a working setup before, and I think the station frequency display in 
> the instrument cluster (which I have to pull to repair an apparent 
> ground problem, btw) is pretty cool.  My last 200q20v got totalled 
> before I could respond to the Bose recall postcard, so I never found 
> out what that's like (since it had aftermarket speakers in it when I 
> got it).
> Cheers,
> Kenneth]

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