Sudden Power Loss

Nathan Winters natewin at
Tue Sep 16 05:58:48 PDT 2008

Limp mode feels more like rev-limiting (cutting fuel) vs. only being able to get up to 1.3 or 1.4 bar like you have.  I tended to notice it more under load at low RPMs, I guess it is a power-cut mode.
Limp mode... limp mode seems like it may be a good 'valet' mode in the future.  Is there a way to force it or is this a terrible idea?

Speaking of signs and timing, I fully blamed reading all of the recent ecu / boost / 'I'm Tired of This' threads on my latest problem.  Based on the latest posts I can't wait for my steering rack and charging system to fail soon on my 'worthless' Audi...  Oh, wait, there was a 200q20v Love thread, makes me feel better.

Good luck with your boost issue, keep us posted.


----- Original Message ----
From: "jlagnese at" <jlagnese at>
To: alancordeiro at; Nathan Winters <natewin at>; 200q20v at
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 8:33:20 AM
Subject: Re: Sudden Power Loss

I just thought iut may be a sign, this thread occurring when noticed the problem.
---- Original message ----

Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 05:31:17 -0400
From: <alancordeiro at>
Subject: Re: Sudden Power Loss
To: "John S. Lagnese" <jlagnese at>, "Nathan Winters" <natewin at>, <200q20v at>
>Why are you assuming your issue is also "limp home" mode? perhaps its one of 
>the more common problems like the MTFS or air leaks?
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "John S. Lagnese" <jlagnese at>
>To: "Nathan Winters" <natewin at>; <200q20v at>
>Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 9:50 PM
>Subject: Re: Sudden Power Loss
>> How do you reset the ecu? I only get 1.4 boost.
>> ----- Original Message ----- 

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