3B pilot bearing removal question

Austin Calise yoda_audi at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 11 15:13:12 PDT 2009

Bob, the old grease or soap and a wooden dowel is said to work.
If not harbor freight sells a pilot bearing puller http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=95987

 HTH's Austin

--- On Sat, 4/11/09, rbade12 at aol.com <rbade12 at aol.com> wrote:
From: rbade12 at aol.com <rbade12 at aol.com>
Subject: 3B pilot bearing removal question
To: 200q20v at audifans.com
Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 6:01 PM

Who has replaced theirs and how did you get the old out? A puller must be
available, but, short of that is there a way to do it without?

Thanks, Bob
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