200q20v Digest, Vol 66, Issue 12

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Wed Apr 22 20:07:05 PDT 2009

First. Your subject line is responding to Digest mode, not  
specifically to your concern. Why would you expect any one to respond  
or offer a specific suggestion? Digest mode was your choice, not my  
choice to research.


On Apr 22, 2009, at 7:42 PM, Sean Coriaty wrote:

> Driving a project 200tq20va up a nearby steep hill, it died.  Tried to
> engage clutch in reverse as car was rolling in reverse, but was  
> apparently
> moving too fast for the reverse gear to handle when the clutch was  
> swiftly
> engaged.  Ugly noises ensued.  Can shift to reverse, but there is  
> nothing
> there.  Wicked boneheaded move.  All forward gears are OK.
> Tranny drop can be done.  But what happens once it's out?  Is the gear
> easily accessible through a cover?  Must the entire unit be  
> disassembled?
> Sean in NH
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