Avant factory radio

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Sat Dec 5 08:17:50 PST 2009

Don’t fight it!
Look for a used Blaupunkt head unit on ebay, cheap. Blaupunkt because  
it is almost plug and play with the Audi harness, only a pin  
reposition needed in the power harness connector, and the
display will be a good matching red color. Also change the control  
power source for ign. switch control per my post from long ago.

> There is but one best source for key controled, switched power to head
> units!  Audi has finely wised up on their later cars and tapped the  
> same
> source.  This source will give power on when the key turns the Ign.  
> on, and
> will not turn it off until the key is removed from the Ign. lock  
> cylinder!
> Great feature!
> The source is terminal 86s on the Ign. switch, but this is not the  
> easiest
> point to reach it.  This red lead goes to the Seat Belt Warning  
> Control
> Unit, term 85 and to the Interior Lite Delay Control Unit, term  
> 86s.  Both
> of these relays are located on the aux. relay panel, above the  
> driver's foot
> well. Pull one of these relays, Pop the socket out the back of the  
> panel and
> it will hang down where you can see to tap the red wire.
> Bernie

On Dec 5, 2009, at 7:52 AM, PeterBergin at aol.com wrote:

> Hi guys, any one know much about the stock Audi radio from my Avant  
> (non
> Bose).  It used to have an occasional problem where I had to turn  
> it  off and
> on once or twice before it would work.  Now it seldom turns  on.   
> Multiple
> turning the off on know sometimes gets it to come on, however  it  
> may shut
> off after some time.
> The physical abuse method (tapping on it firmly has no affect).   
> Once  it
> is on, if I turn it off, it will not come on again.
> I do not really want to invest in a new aftermarket stereo at this  
> point in
>  my Avant's live.
> Thanks, Pete
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