200 TQA tail lights

John Gourley azaudi at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 07:32:25 PST 2009

Depends on which tail light lens you need........the outer corner lenses are
the same on the avant and sedan.  I swapped both corner lenses from my 91
100 sedan parts car to my 89 200 TQA, no problem.......the "inside" lenses
are different between the sedan and avant, for example a different location
for the trunk key on the sedan compared to the hatch key  being located in a
lens on the avant

John Gourley

On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 7:36 AM, Geraint Lloyd <geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca>wrote:

> Mornin'
> I have a broken tail light on the 1989 200 TQ Avant.
> Looking at the family album, there is a difference between "Sedan" and
> "Avant"
> Does anyone know:
> 1.       What the difference is
> 2.       Is it serious? i.e. will a sedan lens fit?
> Geraint
> PS. Regarding the Golf speedo cable repair question of a few weeks ago:
> I couldn't find a universal speedo repair kit in montreal. I found one
> person who had claimed to have seen one in the past, but that was as close
> as i got. Since i haven't got any brazing kit, but do the odd bit of
> plumbing, i drilled and soldered the end with lead free pipe solder.
> So far so good.
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