[20v] Intermittant misfire

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Sun Feb 22 07:45:54 PST 2009

Tighten the TB and retime the dist. TB must be very tight. Ask if you  
need retiming procedure.


On Feb 22, 2009, at 7:34 AM, B Vibert wrote:

> Hi Folks
> I'm trying to get a 1990 90q20v e-tested and it had horrible  
> numbers.  Starts and runs ok, but it has an intermittent misfire  
> which is obviously pumping unburnt fuel out the tailpipe.  When  
> sitting at idle, or even revving, you can hear it misfire  
> erratically, perhaps once or twice a second at idle.  I've checked  
> the codes, it had a knock sensor fault so I pulled the known good  
> knock sensor off my parts car (engine runs great on it, the rest of  
> it is too far gone) and got rid of that.  Changed the plugs, (#2  
> looked kind of sooty), then changed the wires and distributor cap  
> and rotor.  Still misfiring.
> Now I'm wondering where to go next.  The distributor has a rattle  
> at low speed, could that cause it?  I'm a bit wary of pulling  
> distributors and possibly breaking the fragile gear.   Coil?  Check  
> compression and see if #2 does have a problem?
> Gonna go tackle it once I get some more coffee in me, just looking  
> for suggestions.
> Burl Vibert
> 1990 90q20v x2
> morestuff
> Kingston, Ontario
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