G60 brakes not the problem...

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Tue Jul 14 17:18:30 PDT 2009

I suspect that its all down to your mintex reds. I used to swear by  
them for uk road rallies (typically a lot faster than nav rallies over  
here). I had the front vented 16v disks on the golf glowing on a  
number of occasions and the mintexes still grabbed on. I tried 'posh'  
disks but they still warped so ended up fitting the cheapest sh1t that  
I could find and threw them away often, whilst keeping the pads.  
Obviously that strategy worked for me but won't for UFOs!

So for me the G60 brakes are an upgrade since the bits come from the  
G60 golf ;) and, more importantly it gives you more choice for  
  be they performance or cheap'n'nasty

For reference once (and only once) I faded a set of 1week old OEM ATE  
pads and disks in the first 1/2 mile on a road rally on Anglesey.


Sent from some obscure location by I-Phone

On 2009-07-14, at 16:16, fisherwc at pacbell.net wrote:

> My experience with the G60 brake system has been the exact opposite.  
> Using the G60 calipers with Zimmerman cross drilled and ventilated  
> rotors, Mintex Red Box pads, stainless steel lines and ADP Blue I  
> have repeatedly tracked the car. Never did I get any brake fade at  
> any time.
> But another time I changed the rotors and pads on my wife's TT HO  
> Coupe. I couldn't get the pads I wanted before doing the job so I  
> threw in something the local store had. Big mistake, the brakes  
> would fade out within half a lap. Never had that problem before and  
> quickly changed to some Mintex Red Box pads. Problem went away.
> Sounds like you have some very inexpensive pads in there. They will  
> stop the car once or twice, but never more as you are finding out.
> And yes the UFO's are a better system but they are a big PITA.
> Ted
> 1987 5000 CS Avant
> 1991 200 Avant
> 2001 TT HO Coupe
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2009 21:37:02 -0500
> From: Tony Hoffman <auditony at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: UFO brakes: solution
> To: "Steven R. Norsworthy" <snorsworthy at mac.com>
> Cc: 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at audifans.com>
> Message-ID:
>     <7bd5cbf00907131937g1972ad66g6ce8ee735a3d6878 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> And I can say for a fact that the G60's are not even close to an
> upgrade, as they fade before completing one stop from 100mph. They did
> great in one stop from 60, 120 feet on my car with 225/50-16 Ecsta
> 711's, but the next stop added over 40 feet, and it got much worse
> after that. Definately not an upgrade of any sort for a car that
> heavy!
> Tony
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