Loosening suspension adjusters

kneale at coslink.net kneale at coslink.net
Mon Jun 1 11:58:08 PDT 2009

I got the lock nuts loose, at least on one side.  The one to the tie rod
itself turns clockwise to loosen.

It's the adjuster bolt or whatever it's called, that doesn't want to move.  

Original Message:
From: Austin Calise yoda_audi at yahoo.com
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 11:01:03 -0700 (PDT)
To: 200q20v at audifans.com
Subject: Re: Loosening suspension adjusters

The best way to free them up is to remove them from the car then go at them
with a torch and some of your favorite penetrate in a vise. Followed by
fully disassembling them and wire brushing>then applying a liberal coat of
copper anti-seize to the threads. One of the nuts is normal thread and one
is reverse thread. (can't remember which is which lol!!)
But then again you may get lucky and be able to free them up on the car 8) 

     HTH's Austin

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