Oil Filter 068xxxxx

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Wed Jun 10 08:53:39 PDT 2009

Audi part number, or what brand for that number?
Could be for C5 A6, V6 or 8 engines.


On Jun 10, 2009, at 8:42 AM, Kneale Brownson wrote:

> Anybody know the application of a spin-on oil filter    
> 068115561b?    I
> ordered a bunch of 06Axxxxxxx   for stock some time back while getting
> other stuff shipped, and recently discovered they sent the 068xxxxxxxx
> instead.  They don't fit my application (200q20v) because their  
> diameter is
> so large it runs into the sump and won't go on.  Aren't right for  
> my V8s or
> the S8 either.
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