stebro vs stromung

rbade12 at rbade12 at
Fri May 1 14:53:31 PDT 2009

 Glass houses boys. I agree, I am flaunting the moral code [not the legal code where I live]. However, anyone that questions me and my perfectly tuned and running vehicle that has, fewer than 1.5 bathrooms, less than 1500 sq ft of living space, doesn't own recreational vehicles [ATV's, etc], doesn't water their lawn, reuses their grocery bags, has a rain garden and barrel, I could go on, well, you may cast the stone. I am green, but for one of 5 cars without a cat [makes me pale green]....




-----Original Message-----
From: martinkuetzing at
To: Brett Dikeman <brett.dikeman at>; rbade12 at
Cc: 200q20v at; roldan_jf at; Kuetzing,  Martin <martinkuetzing at>
Sent: Fri, 1 May 2009 9:35 am
Subject: Re: stebro vs stromung

Good advice, Brett - help us all out and install your cats.


For those of us in California, getting a cat is more complicated, though.? With the new Calif. Air Resources Board law, every cat must have a welded-on id plate, certifying that the cat is legal here.? This requirement takes everything formerly useable off the market.? So far, I have found only one source of cats for the 200q20v at about $450 each.

-------------- Original message from Brett Dikeman <brett.dikeman at>: -------------- 

> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 5:14 PM, wrote: > .the sound with the cat eliminated is nicer, more to my liking, a nice burble 
> at idle and lift off, great noises at redline 
> Given that we all breathe the same air and live on the same planet, 
> please put your catalytic converter back on. There are plenty of 
> cheap, high performance catalytic converters out there, like those 
> from Car Sound. 
> Brett 
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