UFO Rotors and Calipers

Ben Swann benswann at verizon.net
Thu Nov 5 15:04:50 PST 2009

I concur with this opinion - too many folks have "downgraded to G60's with results that
are not aren't as good as what they had.

I have a few of these to compare and direct experience, so might actually have engough
experience with both setups to back up this opinion.


[Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 10:50:12 -0500
From: Peter Schulz <pcschulz at comcast.net>
Subject: Re: UFO Rotors and Calipers
To: "Brian K. Ullrich" <bullrich at ullrichsys.com>
Cc: V8 at audifans.com, 200q20v at audifans.com
Message-ID: <5F8F86CC-841F-4E57-8C5F-6EEF07C47833 at comcast.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed; delsp=yes


Stick with the UFOs, there are plenty of cars being parted, so you  
should be able to get a decent set of used Calipers.

UFO rotors can be had relatively cheaply now compared to the ~$800  
each that they used to be in the day from Audi.

Switching to G60 Calipers and rotors may be seemingly less expensive  
when it comes to the cost or pads and rotors, but you will need to  
replace the strut assemblies, calipers, rotors and the brake lines,  
and end up with less swept rotor area than the UFOs.

One of the biggest issues with the UFOs historically was brake shimmy  
- the super large and heavy UFO rotors amplify any wear to the lower  
control arm inner bushings.

As to the cost, of doing either of these, it comes down to what your  
mechanic is comfortable in doing, typically they dont like to fool  
around with brakes and only want to install new or purchased rebuilt  

If you do the work yourself, the UFO calipers can be easily rebuilt as  
long as the boots are not torn and the pistons arent rusted...

I know that Bernie will chime in if I mis stated anything :-)

and yes, I have a set of used UFO calipers sitting on the shelf that  
can easily be rebuilt, contact me off list if you are interested.


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