intermittent charge issue- revisited
jlagnese at
jlagnese at
Thu Oct 1 07:45:07 PDT 2009
My recent problem first surfaced during heavy rain
on the highway. I had my alternator rebuilt. The
tech said it was shorted out. This may be why.
---- Original message ----
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 09:32:02 -0400
From: "feelstranger" <feelstranger at>
Subject: Re: intermittent charge issue- revisited
To: <200q20v at>
>So, after looking into this a bit, I find that
there is a specific warning
>on these (AL179x) remans from Bosch indicating
that they may suffer
>intermittent charging during wet weather.
>"Notes: 110 Amp BEFORE installing this
alternator, refer to Application
>Notice #B-85 in the Bosch reman catalog regarding
charging problems during
>wet weather."
>I've got a bosch reman unit in the 200 and never
had a problem.
>Has any one else experienced this? The issue
started during wet weather,
>but when it finally essentially quit during a
trip (requiring a tow), it was
>a dry sunny morning (after a long wet night of
attempted driving). It has
>been fine ever since.
>Full disclosure here - this unit is on an NF
engine in my Vanagon syncro.
>I'm wondering if the fact that the alt is mounted
backwards and low at the
>rear of the vehicle is subjecting it to more
water, and thus problems. Of
>course the alt I replaced never had a problem and
it was the same unit -
>though not a reman!
>I don't have the cover on the alt, but am
thinking of putting it on there
>now, but need to make sure I can get good air
>>> Folks, I'm experiencing an intermittent charge
with a newly installed
>>> Al179x alternator. (Bosch remanufactured)
>>> Primarily after some time on the highway - and
then after "cooling off"
>>> for a while (on the side of the road, or rest
area) it works for some
>>> time - though that seems to be getting more
>>> Swapping the voltage reg. had no change, and I
confirmed that there was
>>> no charging after the warning light came on.
>>> Anyone ever have a faulty "new" alternator?
>>> Could it be something else? I'm relatively
confident it is not an
>>> intermittent igniter circuit.
>>> Thanks
>>> Nat
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