Source for inexpensive shocks and headliner

Brian K. Ullrich bullrich at
Wed Oct 21 10:36:48 PDT 2009

Hi to this list. I have rescued a '90 5 spd 200tq10v from a field
in N. Texas. Overall the condition is about a C-. 215K miles of (mostly)
documented ownership, body is straight and Pearl paint is good, interior
smells bad but is intact minus headliner, Pearl BBS's are in great shape,
tires and shocks are shot, brakes are ~OK. 


So far I've replaced the battery, entire clutch assembly, clutch actuator
lever and bearing in the tranny, and slave cylinder. She runs quite well for
having spent so long sitting, and despite being wrenched on by a guy who
thought there was no was an i-5 could be any more complex than a small-block


I need to get her roadworthy and inspected or she risks being towed by my
HOA. Any ideas where I can get a cheap set of shocks just to get her past
the inspector?


Also, any ideas where I can get a headliner?





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