WTB '91 200Q 20V Transmission - Good News!

Brian K. Ullrich bullrich at ullrichsys.com
Fri Apr 2 07:01:21 PDT 2010

That was AWESOME Ben. Scam the Scammer. Pure greatness.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Swann [mailto:benswann at verizon.net] 
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 8:33 AM
To: 'Quattro List'; 200q20v at audifans.com
Cc: 'Ben Swann'
Subject: FW: WTB '91 200Q 20V Transmission - Good News!

I don't think he gets it.

Next week I'll have to enquire about if his transmission "Johnson Rod" is
Right hand or
left hand.


-----Original Message-----
From: Arnold Jones [mailto:arnold.jones7757 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 9:14 AM
To: Ben Swann
Subject: Re: WTB '91 200Q 20V Transmission - Good News!

Thanks for the message Ben, It was a lovely one. I hope to hear from you

On 4/2/10, Ben Swann <benswann at verizon.net> wrote:
> Arnold,
> OK - It is a shame these scammers make it difficult to trust anyone 
> these days.  I'm glad you are not falling into this trap that has been 
> laid by the biggest scammer of all
> - SATAN!  It is good you choose not to be among those who spend their 
> time unproductively instead of trying to make honest living by hard 
> work and diligence.
> These scammers have been mislead by the "Great Deceiver".  The "Evil One"
> creeps up and slips away with them.  Leads them down the path to eternal
> They continue their misdeads not knowing that there is hope for salvation.
> Don't they realize that when we leave this physical world our souls live
>  Judgement is passed on all and those deceiptful scum have earned the
> place in the neatherworld.  Liars and Cheaters will be tormented, 
> eternally for their misdeeds, consumed over and over by pain - death 
> unmerciful.  They fall for the biggest lie of all
> - that there is no turning back once on the path of self-destruction.  
> It would have been better had they not been born.
> Thankfully there is hope for all - everyone falls short of Gods grace.  
> All can be redeemed by the eternal goodness available through God's 
> son.  It is a shame they don't realize if they repent of their 
> deceiptfulness and receive the goodness that God has in his son Jesus 
> Christ life will be better for all - both here and more importantly, 
> the afterlife.  It is not too late for them.  They just don't hear the 
> good news - God came down in person of his only begotton Son Jesus.  
Jesus paid the price  on the cross for our salvation.  Hallelujia!
> So it is a shame that these people hate others enough that they will 
> attempt to steal through any means.  For those that are enlightened 
> can see through their wicked ways.  I hope you are among the enlightened!
>    *
>    *
> *******
>    *
>    *
>    *
>    *
> Anyway, I may have a few more ideas regarding the delivery, packaging 
> and shipping.  We can pick up this matter after the Holy week has passed.

Today is Good Friday and commemorates the day our Lord willfully paid the
price for us
all on 
> the cross.  Easter Sunday we remember that he rose from the dead and 
> walks among us as proof that life is eternal.
> May the presence of the Lord Jesus be with you and yours!
> Ben

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