Need Vag-Com

PeterBergin at PeterBergin at
Wed Aug 25 12:08:04 PDT 2010

Mine did that a few years ago and I looked at all the usual stuff and it  
turned out to be a bad spark plug.  Had a small crack in the  porcelain.
In a message dated 8/25/2010 1:41:07 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
gsidman at writes:

My '91  200q20v I have owned since new and it has 315,000 miles on it. I 
been  chasing a similar hiccup problem for the past year. I had the turbo
rebuilt  about a year ago and it restored the performance dramatically. 
three  months later the acceleration stumble started. A couple of months ago
the  car went to 034 and Chris chased a fuel problem back to a new fuel  
that had gone flakey. They did some other stuff, including a fuel  pressure
gauge on the fuel rail, and then put the car on their dyno. It  turned in
factory spec performance. But, the acceleration stumble remained  under 

I am pretty sure all the vacuum lines and air supply are  good and nobody 
been able to find a fuel system leak. So, last weekend  I pulled the fuel
rail and the injectors just about fell out. The seals  were all shot and
there is evidence around the manifold seats that the  injectors have been
blowing. After all, 315,000 miles is asking a  lot.  Anyway the injectors 
off to get reconditioned, new seats are  going in, and in a  couple of weeks
we will see if this is the  problem. And, I'll post the results..........

George  Sidman

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